Friday, May 31, 2013

Crab Apple

Crab Apple
7" x 5"  Oil
$75.00 + $10.00 s/h

Some years we get blossoms on our fruit trees and some years we don't.  It depends on when the last frost is each spring.  At 6,000 feet we can have a freeze in Colorado Springs into May.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


11" x 14"  Oil
$295.00 + $10.00 s/h

For those of you who know about Colorado plants, you might know that we don't have rhododendrons.  They thrive in moist, humid climates.  Last week I was in New Jersey visiting my sisters.  This is from the garden of one of my sisters.  It's always fun to paint something different.  Although no matter what you paint you are just painting shapes of light and color.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spinney Sunset

Spinney Sunset
Oil  9" x 12"

This is one of the pieces I have in the show at G44 Gallery 1785 S. 8th Street, Colorado Springs 80906.  The show will be up until June 14th.  Hope those of you who live nearby can stop by.

Spinney Reservoir is about an hour west of Colorado Springs.  My husband has been fishing there for years.  Going with him while he fishes allows me endless painting opportunities.  Sometimes I paint from the shore while he's on the reservoir.  And, other times I'm out in the boat with him and use photos as reference for later pieces.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sunny Vista Living Center Juried Show

Early Fall Morning
Oil 9" x 12"
Available at Sunny Vista Living Center, or please contact me if interested

I am thrilled that two of my paintings were accepted in to the juried show at Sunny Vista Living Center, Colorado Springs.  And, I'm really pleased that "Early Fall Morning"  received an Honorable Mention.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

G44 Gallery Colorado Springs

 For those of you who live here in Colorado Springs, I hope you can come to my show at G44 Gallery, 1785 South 8th Street.   The opening is Friday May 10th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm.  If you can't make the opening, please stop by the gallery before June 14th.

I had knee replacement in March.  It's been a slow recovery.  Some people recover quickly, some people (me) recover more slowly.  Then, last week I was back in the hospital for a manipulation.  Now I've gone from a cane back to a walker, more pain, etc.  I don't yet have enough movement to pedal all the way around on a recumbant bike, but part of my physical therapy is to go to the gym every other day (I also go to p.t. every other day) and push the pedals back and forth as much as I can for 20 minutes.  The gym is almost next door to G44 Gallery and I was so excited when I saw this poster in the window.  It made my day!