Monday, November 5, 2012

Fading Away

Santa Fe Fling

Fading Away
6" x 6"  Oil
$100.00 + $10 s/h
Here's my Santa Fe Fling post for this Monday!  I love the way the paint on this door is just Fading Away!  Someday it might get repainted, but I hope not!

Last week I was going through another cleaning phase.  My studio used to be our dining room, which means there isn't a closet.  So, everything is on shelves or in china cabinets (the china that we inherited from my husband's grandmother is now in the pantry).  We all need to purge at times, so I was going through the top shelf where I have old studies, workshop paintings and pieces from the past.  When, lo and behold there in front of me was a painting from a workshop about ten years ago when I first started painting...

I think it's the same house!  I was not painting from my own photos, and don't recall how I got this photo, but....the door is so similar.  I guess I've aways loved these old doors.  It looks like there was a bit more paint on the bottom of the door ten years ago.  The tree on the left is gone, there was a car parked there last month.  Interesting!

And, click on Kelley MacDonald's blog to see her weekly Santa Fe Fling piece!  Check out all of her work on her blog!  


Autumn Leaves said...

Another lovely door. How amazing you found that you'd painted it once before. Can't believe you've only been painting for 10 years; you'd never know it!

Debbi Smith Rourke said...

Wow, love both of these! Isn't it funny how we are drawn to the same subject over and over. Texture, color, lighting must all be interesting. Love this door series you and Kelly have going on. If you want to paint from photos, I have a "portal" board on pinterest. said...

I love your painting of a door in my fav city. You did a wonderful job as always.
I went on Kelley's blog and enjoyed it very much - especially your painting on there!

Pam Holnback said...

Sherry, thank you. So appreciate your complement! I've been working at it!

Thank you Debbi. I'm going to check out your portals!

Julie, Thanks so much. We should meet there sometime, it's about half way!

Nancy B. Hartley said...

Pam, Love this project! Beautiful work, great contrast of now and before!