Monday, April 18, 2016

Garden Wall

Garden Wall
plein air oil  6" x 8"
click here for Paypal
$100.00 + $10. s/h
Paintings from Mexico

This wall was at the church across the street from our hotel in Oaxaca.  I love plein air painting.  I love being out of doors.  But, it has its' challenges:  wind, sun, rain, snow, snakes, bears, bugs, heat, cold, etc.  With this painting I had a new encounter, a funeral.  One afternoon I noticed the beautiful shadows on the garden wall of the church and decided to paint there the next day.  However, when I arrived a funeral was just beginning.  I didn't want to be disrespectful, so decided I'd come back the next afternoon.  That day was beautiful, warm and sunny.  No sooner did I get the piece blocked in than clouds appeared from nowhere.  There was no longer light and shadow.  This little piece required a third session!

Here are some of the beautiful garden walls of Oaxaca.  Maybe some of these might be future paintings.


martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Une avalanche incroyable de couleurs et de lumière... Magnifique travail.

Bisous ❀

hmuxo said...

Very beautiful!!! Wonderful reference photo!!

Pam Holnback said...

Merci Martine! J'ai adoré les couleurs au Mexique . Je suis si heureux que vous les aimez aussi.

Thank you Sue. The flowers were incredible!

Hilda, Thanks so much. Thought I'd share some of the flowers with you!