During the week of the Paint The Town event in Florence, CO, Friday was designated
as "town" day. The idea was to paint with in a 6 block area of the old downtown.
Florence, like many older towns, has lots of charming old buildings, both industrial
buildings as well as lived in homes. There's always a never endless body of work
from which to choose.
My first painting on Friday was the upstairs window in a boarded up 2nd floor. I was happy
with the way this one turned out. As you can see from the photo versus my painting,
the light and shadow continued to change. I did a quick sketch to start and stuck
with that...trying not to "chase the light."
On Saturday morning 4 framed paintings were turned in to the Bell Tower Arts Center.
During the judging there was a "quick draw" at a local home. The house was from
around the turn of the century and had been lovingly restored. The yard was filled
with wonderful old trucks, tractors, antiques. Again, so many things to paint in the 2 hour
time allotted. I painted an old wash tub sitting on one of the back porches.