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Yesteday my plein-aire group painted in the PEO House garden. We usually all congregate toward the pond. It was a cool, cloudy morning, unusual for this time of year. Everyone had on layers; one painter was wrapped in a blanket from her car trunk. Due to the constantly changing sky, this was a challenging , but fun, painting. I started with the lily pad, thinking if I got the light correct on that, everything else would follow. By then, the light and color were completely different. I guess that's always the joy of plein-aire painting.
True, the light is quick quick! That's why you (we) have to decide "here is where I'm capturing the light" and get the shadows in quickly, and color notes for everything else. We are not allowed to dawdle in plein air!
We've had a lot of that changing weather and cool weather too lately! So tough to paint in, but I agree with Kelley, go for the shadows first. Lovely painting.
nice compo here and great brushy feel!
Pam, Nice job dispite the changing conditions. It's always a challenge out there.
Thanks Kelley & Karen, I usually block-in darks first. But, the light got me thinking...
Sandra, the water/reflections seemed to lend themselves to a brusht feel.
Karen, Yes, it's a fun challenge!
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