Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Maine Event Opening

Last night was the opening of "The Maine Event" at the Boulder Street Gallery on Tejon Street
 here in Colorado Springs.  Thanks so much to Jennie and Terry, gallery and frame shop owners!!

We decorated the window to look as much like coastal Maine as was amazing that here in Colorado we found/had buoys, fishing nets, an old lobster trap, a plastic lobster, lobster man boots, 
and a yellow lobster man slicker!

We covered the gallery walls with our Maine paintings.

And our friends, family, locals who used to live in Maine and heard about the show,
 and many more came to our first Friday opening.

Thank you all who came.  Thank you all who came "vicariously".  Thank you all who 
sent messages that you'll get there before the end of May.

Thanks to the other 7 artists.  What a great group with which to paint, to travel,
 and to plan and participate in a show!

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