Sunday, January 3, 2016

There Is A Magic About The Sea

There Is A Magic About The Sea
Oil  20" x 16"
click here for Paypal
$595.00 + $10. s/h
Day 3 of 30

Once again I'm participating in the 30 in 30 painting challenge i.e.:  paint 30 paintings in 30 days.  I'm not able to paint every day for 30 days in January, but I'm going to paint as much as I can.  My theme for this challenge is "Paintings From Mexico."  My husband and I love Mexico, we've been there many times and we'll be there much of this winter (we are so lucky to have the most wonderful house sitter), thus, my theme.  I'll post as often as I can.  When I don't have new paintings from Mexico I'm going to throw in some oldies but goodies on my blog.  But, to stick with the challenge I'll only post the new ones on the challenge blog.  Enjoy!

All paintings sold will be mailed in April.  I apologize for the big delay and inconvenience.
This painting was done from a photo that I took on Holbox Island.  This island is about 7 miles of the northern coast of the Yucatan.  We spent a week on Holbox and had rain, clouds, and sun.  The ocean was different in everyone of those conditions.  I love how the ocean changes.


Wendy Barrett said...

Wow, this is lovely! Looks exactly like my local Australian waters.

mary maxam said...

Very lovely Pam! Your Mexico travels sound wonderful and I know the inspiration will carry you through with the challenge. I look forward to more..... Happy New Year!

Pam Holnback said...

Thank you Wendy. Australian waters are on our list!!

Mary, thanks so much. Hope that you enjoy the rest!

Unknown said...

I say ditto to all of the above !!!! This painting is beautiful in its absolute simplicity and freshness. I also envy you for the being able to participate in the 30 in 30. I think 2016 is going to be a good year for you.
from Pattie

Pam Holnback said...

Thank you so much Pattie! I think it's going to be good, too! It's off to a great start!