Thursday, February 28, 2019

Red Road

Red Road
Oil  8"x8"
click here for PayPal
$295.00 + $10. s/h

During our time in Playa del Carmen in January, I loved painting all of the colorful buildings.  I had thought that most of my paintings would be of the ocean with all of its' beautiful turquoises, palm trees and bougainvillea.  What I found as I walked the streets of Playa were amazingly colorful buildings!  I walked down this block again and again loving all of the reds, oranges, pinks and corals.


hmuxo said...

I love this new series of yours, Pam!!!! buildings have always been a favorite of mine.... these reminds me a bit of Hopper’s work which I love!!!! More please!!!!

Pam Holnback said...

Thank you Hilda! Yes, some more are on their way!