Friday, August 30, 2019

Make Lemonade

Make Lemonade
Oil  8" x 10"
click here for PayPal
$295.00 + $10. s/h

I love Costco.  I really do.  But, sometimes we end up with way too many fruits and vegetables.  We try to eat them all and consequently feel pretty healthy.  But, sometimes it's hard to eat all of them.  It's only just the two of us.  So, when you have too many lemons, you usually make lemonade.  Or, in my case, you paint lemons!

I painted lemons for several days.  for this piece I used cool, purple (the complement of yellow) for the  shadows.  In a plein air painting you usually have warm light/cool shadows.  With a still life, it depends on what light bulbs you use when setting up your still life.  Or what kind of natural light you have coming in from your windows.

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