16" x 20" oil on stretched canvas
$495.00 + $10. s/h
contact me if interested
This is my submission for Michelle Burnett's Following the Master's blog. When I taught middle school I often did units on famous artists. Van Gogh was one of my favorites. I would read "Camille and the Sunflowers" to my students and we would discuss many of the social issues in the book. In the story Vincent had very few friends; but, he was friends with the postman and his son. The son was very upset because the people in the village were mean to Vincent and threw rocks at him. Additionally, no one bought his paintings. Many great conversations developed with my 12 year olds about how Van Gogh's life might have been different if people could have accepted him with all of his illnesses, and how wealthy the ancestors of his patrons might be today.
BEeaUtiful! Love it. I adore sunflowers and like the addition of the red border. Good luck!
You are such a compassionate person, Pam. How lucky were those kids to spend time with you? These are gorgeous - I love sunflowers, and the border is inspired!
Your painting is beautifully done. What a wonderful teacher to instill compassion in your students. Your inner beauty shows in your art.
Thanks all, I love sunflowers and am so glad that the grocery store carries them year 'round!
Vincent would be proud!
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