Monday, May 10, 2010

100 Garden & Floral Oil Paintings, Original Art Work from A Colorado Daily Painter, 10/100

Clean Gutters
8" x 8" oil on cradled panel
$185.00 + $10. s/h

There are days when you just have to do chores in the garden.  Today was one of those days.  My husband and I cleaned the gutters.  His job is to climb onto the roof and drag the hose to the corners of the house and run the water downs the gutters.  My job is to hold the ladder, hand up the hose and go to the gutter drains and make sure they're draining. As I stood there turning off the water, I saw a painting before me!


Debbi Smith Rourke said...

Now there's an example of finding beauty in the ordinary. Great job. Am sure you husband appreciated your help too!

Diane White said...

This one out a smile on my face. it is a great reminder of the single things in life! love the contrast too.

Linda Popple said...

This is such an interesting painting. As Debbi said this is a wonderful example of seeing the beauty in the ordinary. Well done!

Celeste Bergin said...

this painting appeals to me on all has beautiful shapes and colors!

Autumn Leaves said...

Oh now this is fabulous! Great capture of shadows, wonderful job with the brass fittings!

Lori Bonanni said...

Pam, What a great painting! Isn't it funny where we can discover a subject waiting to be painted.

Pam Holnback said...

Thank you Debbi, I guess painting is really just looking at light and shadow!

Diane, Thanks. It is funny what we can paint!

Linda, Thank you. It was fun to paint this. Something so ordinary!

Thank you Celeste, You're right. A shadow on a wall is just shapes and colors.

Sherrie, Thank you. While it was the shadow that drew me, the brass had the strongest highlight.

Thank you Lori, Yes, there are paintings out there everywhere.

Bridget Hunter said...

Thankyou for including this painting. It shows how the ordinary familiar can shine and just have to be pinted. But its your noticing the colours and shapes that have made the painting so arresting.

Unknown said...

I'm lovin' this! The colors, composition and unique subject. Wonderful.

Nancy B. Hartley said...

Talk about turning lemons into lemonade! Beautiful job, with a challenging subject!

Gwen Bell said...

You have such a talent for taking any object and turn it into something fun and painterly. Just love this!

LindaHunt said...

Pam,this is such a humorous and yet seious painting. I love it. You did a great job of elevating the humble faucet and hose into a painting with great stature!!! said...

Pam your work is amazing. Vic E. told me about your wonderful paintings. Thank you for sharing. All the best to you.

Gary Keimig said...

Good observation. That which makes us artists me thinks.

Jill Berry said...

Interesting modern subject...good eye!...and after a hard day's work.

Pam Holnback said...

Thank you Bridget, There are shapes and colors everywhere you look!

Sheila, Thanks. So glad you like this!

Nancy, Thank you. I look forward to having lemonade
ade w/ you!

Thank you Gwen, It is fun when painting is fun! Which it should be!

Linda, So glad you like it!

Jill, Thank you. It wasn't really that hard to clean the gutters. Just a little time! And, it was timely as we had a huge storm that night!

Karen said...

This one makes me laugh! How anything can become a painting!
I really like those greens on the hose.

Pam Holnback said...

Joan, Thanks so much. I so appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you Gary, You're right. Painting is just observing light and color and putting that down!

Karen, So glad to bring some laughter to your life!