Rock Ledge Ranch Lawn Mower
6" x 6" oil on board
$100.00 + $10. s/h
My plein air group painted at the Rock Ledge Ranch Historic Site. This is a working farm from the late 19th century. Everything on the farm is done as it was done in the "olden" days, including sheep wondering around eating, excuse me, moving, the lawn. Right now the sheep stay out of the recently plowed garden (that's the dirt in the back.) They must put up some kind of fence, because as soon as the vegetables start growing, I'm sure the sheep will wander in. A natural salad bar.
you painted a sheep plein air?? I painted a horse plein air once. It was so aggravating because it walked around and around and around. lol. This is a very nicely painted sheep.
I love that place, it's great for painting, I painted the cow there once, I love your painting, great work!!
Great choice of color! Love how a simple subject is made so interesting.
Natural lawnmowers - what could be better?!! Your color choices for this painting are exceptional, Pam, and make for an absolutely wonderful scene.
ooooh, the color in this one is exquisite!
What a great place to paint. Love the sheep, and I always love to see all your brush strokes. So interesting.
Thanks so much for your visits to my blog.
Hi Pam, You have managed to capture this guy beautifully and from life! That's an acheivement as I'm sure he was moving about. Thanks for popping too. By the way, you might like my cousin Devbbie's work she is known for her cows. she's Deboroah Donnelly.
Best Wishes
Teehee "A natural salad bar!" What a beautiful cow, so soft looking. I want to pet her! Lovely work, Pam!
This is darling Pam, I love your brushwork!
Celeste, Thank you. It is fun painting farm animals. They're kind of happy looking!
Thank you Janice, The cow was tethered on the grass so he couldn't wander around. About half way through our morning, the farm manager moved him. Guess he needed to chew in another spot!
Michelle, Thanks.There's always something right in front of us to paint.
Thank you Claire, There are so many great colors out there! The light and shadow cause daily changes.
Loriann, Thank you. I love color. When you get it right, you feel like your painting sings!
Elizabeth, Thanks. I love it when the animals cooperate and don't walk (run) away.
Roisin, Thanks. I checked out her work. Love her big, bold cow heads/faces!
Thank you Sherrie, Glad you like my sheep!
Dana, Thank you. The long wool just lent itself to long brush strokes!
Pam, Love the brushwork and colors in this!
I like your strokes, and the fluffy appearance of its fleece.
What a good little model this sheep was for you! Love the colours- really expressive.
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