Saturday, July 16, 2011

100 Garden & Floral Oil Paintings, Original Artwork by Pam Holnback, 72/100

6" x 6" Oil
$100.00 + $10. s/h

Right now our back yard is filled with coreopsis.  So, I decided it's a great time to paint yellows.  Yellow can be tricky.  Do you darken it with green and make it cool?  Do you darken it with orange and make it warm?  Do you use the complement, purple, and gray it a little?  I'll be posting coreopsis done in all of the above ways.  In this one, I mixed the cool yellow and brushed it on, one stroke, then a clean brush:  over and over.    I like the way it's kind of "stripey."


Autumn Leaves said...

Pretty neat point of view on this one, Pam. I also love the brush strokes!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I love the viewpoint, and I love the one-stroke method - makes the light strokes really stand out!

LindaHunt said...

Very nice Pam! I like the one stroke method in this painting very much.

Douglas Clark said...

Great thought on painting. I like how you kept the yellow very clean.

Pam Holnback said...

Thank you Sherry. I thought it would be fun to stand behind the flower.

Kelley, Thank you! Another great thing about can always practice and learn quickly again and again.

Thanks so much Linda. The flower looks a little geometric this way and I like that!

Douglas, Thanks. Mix and wipe keeps it clean. that sounds a little like a commercial.

Dean H. said...

I like this a lot, Pam! The colors work so well together and the composition is wonderful.
You use the one stroke method very well.

hmuxo said...

Beautiful!! yes, yellows are tricky and you did a great job..the shading on it as well as the brushstrokes! nicely done. I also love your previous post and the deer photos...!

Amy Hillenbrand said...

I would love to see the backyard. I love the affect you got with your method. The colors on this one are beautiful, such a happy feel.

mary maxam said...

wonderful color scheme and the close up sbstract feel really works.

Stephanie Berry said...

I like how you did this closeup of the flower. That whole thing with yellows always challenges me. Do your coreopsis seed all over the place? Love your deer photos.

Nancy B. Hartley said...

Great post, I love this painting, and love the thoughts on working with yellow. The brushstrokes and composition are wonderful!

martinealison said...

Un beau clin d'oeil à la nature avec cette peinture... Gros bisous.

Lori Bonanni said...

Nice colors - the yellow, green , purple really pops! Hope your summer is going well! Really hot here in jersey!

Pam Holnback said...

Thanks so much Dean.

Hilda, Thank you. We do love our deer!

Amy, Thanks. If you get back to Denver to visit your sister, let me know. You can come down.

Thank you Mary, The really close-up was fun.

Stephanie. Thank you. Yellows are tricky. I just did another one using more greens to darken and it seems too cool.

Thank you Nancy.

Merci beaucoup Martine!

Lori, Thank you. OMG it is hot here this week! Hope you're getting in the water!