Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Down By The Seaside

Down by The Seaside
plein air Oil  8" x 6"
$100.00 + $10. s/h

So, as you've seen, I just enjoyed my time on the beach looking at the palm trees, which became a painting.  I looked at the colors of the frond shadows, that became a painting.  I loved the constantly changing colors of the water...so, that, too, became a plein air painting!

Because there were so many fishermen on the beach, the birds were also a constant 
source of entertainment!


Jenny said...

Gorgeous. Love the pelicans. They're in Galveston, too. xo Jenny

Pam Holnback said...

Thank you Jenny. I have never been to Galveston. Should think about heading down there for a painting trip!