$75.00 + $10. s/h
contact me if interested
This is another beautiful spot near Pagosa Springs. Normally, when painting a landscape, you create ways to make the viewer's eyes travel through the piece; by connecting values, colors, or shapes. In this moment, in this location, all of that happened naturally. There it was, right in front of me; a painting waiting to happen.
LOvely! I can't wait to see them in person when I come out in June.
This will also make a fabulous larger painting.
Love the mix of cool and warm areas.
Thanks Natalie and Debbi, I am planning on doing a large one of this piece.
Hey Pam, this is truly gorgeous. I'm glad I found your blog after you found my blog!
Hi Pam, Thanks for your comment on my blog. I have enjoyed looking through your work too. Lets exchange blog links. What do you say. Mine is http://fredbellpaintings.blogspot.com
What a beautiful painting. your colors are amazing and I am so jealous that you have this scenery right at your fingertips!
Very nice! Love your palette choice.
Thanks Dale, Fred, Leslie & Atul, Hope you visit often.
Pam....that does look like a perfect spot ...you definitely captured the clean clear lay of the land!
Pam, This is so pleasing to the eye. It has a great lead-in and beautiful colors.
hi this is a beautiful setting and your paniting brings it to us very nicely!
Leslie, you may not have these mountains, but you have the California boats!
Celeste, Karen & Sandra, Thanks!
Beautiful Pam! You are right this will easily work up on a larger format.
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