Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Red Or White?

Red Or White?
6" x 6" Oil

I've been wanting to paint a piece on a background toned in black  This wine glass seemed like the perfect opportunity.  I like the effect and think I'll tone some more dark.

This is the painting the client chose.  Which one of the four wine glasses would you have chosen?


Autumn Leaves said...

I have to admit that I'd have chosen this one also, Pam. It is really beautiful. You've handled the glass and the shadow in such an exquisite manner!!

Janelle Goodwin said...

I would have chosen "Red, please" because I do prefer red wine. Although I think all four paintings would look great together on a wall!

Debbi Smith Rourke said...

This one is fabulous. The shadow being the dramatic element is quite interesting. Not surprised it is sold.
BTW, I'd have chosen white. xoxo said...

I love this one as well Pam. The shadows are incredible. You have made something ordinary into an extraordinary piece. Thank you for sharing.

Happy Little Trees Studio said...

I think it would have been between this one and "red please". I like the composition of Red Please, but I love the color variations in the background of this one. Lovely work!

Nancy Van Blaricom said...

The black gives it a nice look. Sophisticated. I love your shadow ... the painting is perfect.

Dana Cooper said...

Beautiful shadow colors Pam...white please!

Crystal Cook said...

This is simply gorgeous Pam. I love the colors in the shadows and the highlights on the glass. Beautiful work!

Pam Holnback said...

Thank you Autumn, I'm not sure which one I would have chosen. I like different things about each one.

Janelle, Thanks so much. The Red, Please would go well in my house! I may do 4 more!

Thanks so much Debbi. I do prefer drinking white over red, I get headaches from even 1 glass of red! The shadow became strong and dramatic as I was painting this. It wasn't planned that way in advance.

Joan, You are so welcome. A great think about the little daily paintings is that you can make one simple thing a real focal point!

Kimberly, Thank you. That's a good idea for another one! The red composition w/ this background.

Thank you so much Nancy!

Dana, thank you! White it is!

Thank you Crystal! So appreciate your thoughts.

Nancy B. Hartley said...

The shadow is stunning! Great painting! The black background is really effective! A whole different look! I'd love to see one photo, showing all the paintings in a group!

Katherine van Schoonhoven said...

They are all great and understand why you enjoyed the process. I like this one, but I think I like "Red, Please" best. I especially enjoy the orange highlights. What a great series!

Jala Pfaff said...

This one's my favorite, too. I like the light, cheerful color combo.

Amy Hillenbrand said...

I'm digging the black background, great effect it has with the other colors you mixed with it. Red please.

Pam Holnback said...

Nancy, thank you so much. It was interesting how the shadow just became itself in this piece.

Thank you Katherine, I, too, like those highlights!

Jala, thanks so much!

Amy, thank you. Ok. next time we're together you can have red!

Sonya Johnson said...

Fun series, Pam, and I think this painting is my favorite. It has a nice abstract design going on that I always find appealing.

Pam Holnback said...

Sonya, Thank you so much. I had so much fun doing these. I think that I should do more!