Monday, June 20, 2011

100 Garden & Floral Oil Paintings, Original Artwork by Pam Holnback, 67/100

Backyard Tea Rose
6" x 8" Oil
$100.00 + $10. s/h

I love it when the Tea Roses in our backyard blossom.  They're such a happy looking flower and I love painting them.

This week in our yard:


martinealison said...

Des roses aux mille senteurs... Elles sont tellement belles et vous les avez mis en valeur à la perfection dans cette peinture...
Les photos qui accompagnent votre merveilleuse peinture sont absolument géniales... Comme j'aimerais me retrouver nez à nez avec ces charmants animaux.
En somme une publication qui met la nature en fête!
Gros bisous

Autumn Leaves said...

A beautiful flower and the most gorgeous painting! Love the baby deer, so cute!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

OK, I LOVE seeing the deer - you are so lucky, you live in a magical place!
But the flower? Pam this might be my all time favorite of yours. You captured the delicacy of the petals perfectly. And it is a wonderful composition to boot!

Crystal said...

Love your tea rose. The photos are just so sweet with the two little fawns! :-)

Pam Holnback said...

Merci Martine. Oui, les photos sont geniales, mais les animaux l'aimes beaucoup a mange les fleurs.

Thank you Sherry. The fawns, one day old, are so cute!

Kelley, Thank you so much! Any time someone mentions a favorite I start to think...what makes it that? I loved painting this and think partly it was because of the bright color after all the greens and grays!

Thanks so much Crystal! I'm glad the deer are in the front yard and that the backyard is fenced!

Happy Little Trees Studio said...

Beautiful painting and such sweet photos of the doe and her young!

David Westerfield said...

Well done Pam. You captured the sunlight.

Pam Holnback said...

Thanks so much Cathyann! Such a cute granddaughter!

Thank you Kimberley! They are darling, but eat our plants!

David, Thank you. The light is what it's all about!

Susan Roden said...

Lovely piece Pam! So fragile and a beauty.

Marian Fortunati said...

What a treat!!!

Your tea roses are fabulous and those deer are precious!!

mary maxam said...

This tea rose is so delicate and reflects the light beautifully. very lovely

Carol DeMumbrum said...

Love the tea rose, just beautiful. Thanks for sharing the baby deer—too cute.

Sandra Galda said...

This is a very pretty rose painting and terrific photos of your garden guests! so cute!

Pam Holnback said...

Thanks so much Susan. I love painting this one!

Marian, Thank you! They are precious! But, frustrating to watch them just sit and eat my plants!

Mary, Thank you so much. The light was just perfect at that time.

Thank you Carol! June is a great time in our yard.

Sandra, thank you!

Nancy B. Hartley said...

Love the painting,just a gorgeous flower, and love your backyard! What a beautiful environment for painting!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Beautiful roses, Pam - and I just love the photos of the deer with the baby fawns!

Pam Holnback said...

Nancy, Thank you! Before I started painting my creative outlet was gardening Now I often combine both!

Claire, thank you. Our backyard is fenced. The deer stay in the front.