Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Rocking The Boat

Rocking The Boat
Oil  12" x 12"
$295.00 + $10. s/h

This is another lobster boat from our trip to Maine this past fall.  I've got so many great photos from that trip that I'll never get them all painted.  As I did last January I'm participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 paintings.  I don't paint every single day, and I don't paint that many small pieces in a month.  But, once again, I think that I can post the daily steps in my larger paintings.  It's a great way to start the year, and I'm one to adjust things a bit to work for me.  Look for this in January!

Speaking of a great way to start the year....last winter I had knee replacement.  Unfortunately, I was in the 1% that doesn't have an easy recovery.  I had scar tissue issues, swelling, frozen muscles.  By the spring I had a second procedure.  And again had issues.  I spent the summer going through 3-5 hours of physical therapy each day.  This included going to pt, going to warm water aerobics, going to the gym, doing pt at home, and sitting in leg braces 2 hours each day.  To say the least, it was not fun.  By Labor Day I'd about had it and went to the Victor Celebrates The Arts event.  At that point I was better, but not yet there.  In late September/October we went to New England for 3 weeks.  Once again I walked/hobbled around, took one of my braces with me, and tried to live my life.  I loved every minute that I was able to paint on those 2 trips.  Upon returning another surgery was scheduled, which I just had in December.  And, happily it went well.  In one day I was already better than I was after 7 months!  And now,  I'm so ready for the New Year!


Linda Popple said...

I love Maine and your boat brings back memories of when I was there. Very nice!
Happy to hear your knee journey finally ended with good results. My goodness, what a time you had!

Marie Theron said...

How lovely is your water! Very calm scene, Pam!

Sandy said...

I thought this painting might be from Maine so I had to have a closer look. As Marie said you did a great job on the water. I live in Maine and so was drawn to this view. Wow what a year you have had! I am happy that you are getting better now!

Pam Holnback said...

Linda, Thank you! I, too, loved Maine! Wish it wasn't so far from Colorado as I'd love to go back!

Thank you Marie. The reflections around this boat really drew me to this scene.

Sandy, Thanks so much. Looked at your website of Maine! How lucky you are to live there!

LindaSMarino said...

Wonderful lobster boat! the water is beautiful!

Diane Mannion said...

Wonderful Mainescapes, Pam. Glad you're mending well and looking forward to following you on the 30/30.

Anne Winthrop Cordin said...

Happy New Year Pam. Glad to see your sweet Maine painting and happy to hear the knee is behaving! I had a partial replacement this July, so I know of what you speak :)